31 October 2010

31 10 2010

ya Allah..pada siapa harus aku mengadu kalau bukan padaMu ya Allah..mengapa perkara yg sama asyik berulang ya Allah..ape yg harus aku buat..ape yg harus aku fikir..besok final yg sgt penting ya Allah..tp nape aku masih xdpt ketenangan ya Allah..nape hati aku berbolak balik ya Allah..adakah aku telah dibuang? aku pun xtaw..hmm aku cube kuatkan hati aku untuk tabah mghadapi ujian Mu ya Allah..aku redha..mgkin ini takdir Mu untuk ku..aku redha kalau ini yg trbaik untuk kau dan aku..maafkan sgale kesalahan aku..halalkan sgale2 ilmu, makan, minum yg tlah kau beri..smoga berbahagia...

25 October 2010

samb 20 10 2010

another presents received..

this is from him..

this is also from him..

and this is from my beloved sis..kak auni...
thanx for giving all these presents...

24 October 2010

20 10 2010

thanx korang..blanje makan..hehe..

ISK..kak fareha & kak amira..semoga ilmu yg kite peroleh dpt dimanfaatkan..

sayang korang sume...

thanx sakinah for the cutest purse i've ever had...

19 October 2010

19 10 2010

arini aku ok sket kowt..
tp xde sape taw ape dlm ati aku..
cam dijangke..another paper received..
it was WORST..
tape la..yg penting da cube yg trbaik..
tp yg klakanye ade hati nak tmbah mark kat soalan yg da dpt full mark..
haha..xpasal2 kene sound ngan lecturer..
segan giler laaa...
next petang my gurlfrenz blanje mkn kfc..
kat summit..
2 un cadangan aku..
haha..demanding giler laaa...
btw thanx gurlz..it was awesome!!
tp ntah la..
sejak balek td sampai la solat sampai la skang ni rase semacam jek..
rase xsdp ati..
hmm mainan pasaan je kowt..
hmm another thing is..
aku dpt rase dye len sgt..
xmcm salu...
ntah la...aku rase aku jd takowt ngan dye..
sbb dye nmpk cam stress sgt999 and aku takowt kalo aku try tanye mcm2 kang dye mrh plak..
tp 2 la yg wat aku risau..
and aku cam terkilan gak dye xcontact aku coz im hoping dye akan celebrate my bday..
tape la...mayb bsok kowt...tp cane kalo dye lupe? cz dr td 1 single msg un xmasok dlm hp aku..
and aku un xpat contact dye coz xde kedit...
hmmm ape nak pikir skang ni spy ati ni tenteram sket ek???

17 October 2010

another 17 10 2010

juz saw ur facebook
glad to see u happy during the weekend
but why there's tears running down my cheek?
maybe im so glad to see u happy
while im not
mayb its true
u r forgetting me
juz wish i am one of ur happiness
juz like u r my happiness..

17 10 2010

u really leave me
dont u remember
all your promises to me
what happen to all those memories we shared together
dont u remember
the time that we spend together
u and i
the first movie i watched in cinema
district 9
what a boring movie
but it wasn't
cause you were there with me
dont u remember
the time that we celebrate my bday
you are the one who brought me downstairs
and i cried when i knew it was a surprise
i smile
dont u remember the time
when we had our dinner at pizza hut
we had our anniversary at manhattan fish market
when i told you it's expensive
and you dont mind to spend money on it
dont u remember the time when you bought lappy bag
and you gave me one small blue bag
as a present
dont u remember the time that we celebrate your bday
when i cried to celebrate yours
dont u remember all those moments we shared together
why you want to leave me now
when i gave everything to you
why you want to leave me alone
when i sincerely love you
and there's no doubt about my love for you
why you said you cant stand being with me
when i always have the patient to be with you
why all these happen when i thought you are going to take me out 4 dinner on my bday later..

17 10 2010

nape jadi cani..
nape kau xreply msg2 aku..
nape kau xjawab soalan2 aku..
kau dah tinggalkan aku ke..
tolong la jawab..
jangan buat aku macam ni..
kau mungkin xrase ape2..
tapi aku boleh jadi gila macam ni...

16 October 2010

16 10 2010

happy birthday abah..
semoga Allah panjangkan umur abah & murahkan rezeki abah..
sory sbb plan xmenjadi..
and sampai skang un hadiah xbg lagi..
kalau la ela boleh jd kuat semangat mcm abah..
nape la susah sgt nak stop nangis..
pdhal org 2 dah lupekan aku un..
happy birthday abah..

15 10 2010

aku cube sebaik mungkin tok btolkan sumenye..tp nmpaknye mcm dah terlambat..trlambat kah aku? kalau boleh diputarkan mase aku xkan cakap mcm tu..kalau dapat diundurkan mase aku xkan buat ape2, aku akan duduk diam2 & tunggu sampai semua reda..nape aku xdpt sabar walau sekejap?padahal selama ni aku boleh sabar..aku penyabar..tapi nape mase tu aku xsabar???semuanye salah aku..kalau la aku sabar..mesti semua tak jadi macam ni..ya Allah..semuanye salah aku ya Allah...sekarang aku yg menderita ya Allah..ya Allah aku menyesal aku xsabar ya Allah...sungguh aku menyesal...aku menyesal sgt9999999999....ya Allah aku harap sangat aku diberi peluang tok betulkan semuanye...demi Allah aku menyesal...aku xkuat ya Allah..aku sangat menderita sekarang..kalau la kau tahu mcmane keadaan aku skarang...sanggup kah kau tengok keadaan aku?i miss u so much & i regret i said that to you..forgive me..

all that i'm after is life full of laughter
as long as i'm laughing with you
i'm thinking all that still matters is love ever after
cause i know there's no life after you

15 October 2010

tamat sebuah kisah..

14 10 2010
tamat sebuah kisah
punah janji2 manis
hilang semua kenangan
terima kasih

10 October 2010


wah cam bes jek tajuk ni..
ape tu gabra??
gabra ni species2 gelabah gak la..
adek bradek cuak..
nape ana post tajuk ni plak??
of cos la sbb ana ngah cuak..
sbb bsok ana ade interbiu AGAIN..
ana mmg xsuke interbiu coz ana ni lack of confident + xfluent english + xreti nak impress the interviewer..
pdhal those things la yg plg dicari2 [ala2 X-factor la] tok dipilih..
camne ni?????
ana really seyesly cuak....
ok2 ana taw ape ana patot wat..
1) solat, bce quran, doa byk2 spye ana ok tyme interbiu tuh
2) prepare tol2 [yg mane ni lah punce utama ana cuak pasal xready2 ag]
3) mnx tlg kwn2 n parents so that ana ade semangat nak jwb soklan
ana CUAK...

07 October 2010


ana mmg suke tajuk ni
sbb ana really learn a lot about friendship
frienship is really important in one's life
even owg yg da kawen un sgt perlukan kwn dlm hidup
ana mmg sgt terkilan coz i really didnt appreciate my frenz lately
not directly but indirectly
sorry frenz
i neglected u all
n bile da susah baru nak cari kowang
i was really being selfish
i started to realize all this when i was being scolded by someone
dat someone who believes frenz are very2 important in life
i didnt get angry of that statement
but the way that statement is being delivered was really penetrating deep into my heart
i feel it until the core of my heart
the way that statement was being delivered is the one which makes me moved
life isnt juz bout "that thing"
there are so many important things to look at
to take care of
especially our relationship with The Almighty
thanks Allah for Your guidance
ill try my very best to follow Your path
so that i wont be like dis anymore
so that ill be more appreciating
appreciate the life You gave to me
appreciate the people around me
appreciate the time You gave to me
so that ill become a better muslimah
even though there were so many bad things i did
even to myself
thanks Allah for everything that had happened in my life
coz i know all the things deliver a big message behind them
that i did change
changed to someone who seems to be far away from You
but i know You are forgiving
You are loving
You still loves me
and thats y all these things happened in mylife
for me to reflect myself
and correct myself
i had once promised to You
but i broke the promise
but You kept giving me opportunities
not once
not twice
not thrice
but so many times already
a friend of mine told me
"if you go anywhere and you find yourself in difficulties, dont panic coz ill always be there for you to help you"
a teacher of mine told me
"if someone really wants you, that person will straight away go tell your parents about it"
and she also told me
"dont ever give everything to people until that people be yours"
insyaAllah all those advices will always be in my heart
and i really need you guys my friends to guide n help me so that i wont go astray
luv u guys
luv You Allah
forgive all my sins
forgive all my fault
im juz an ordinary girl
who always make mistakes
im not perfect
but im trying to be
so that this phrase
"a good man is for a good woman and vice versa"
will come true

06 October 2010

tak paham..

alhamdulillah ana da abeh exam..
tp baru abeh mock..
ade ag final..
kire2 3 minggu ag..
hmm ape yg ana xphm ek..
ntah la..
ana un xtaw ape ana nak tulis..
byk bnde jadi lately..
kesian kakak ana..
ana un xphm nape owg bley brubah ati camtu jek..
pdhal dah ade ikatan n xlame ag nak jd yg halal..
hmmm hati owg mmg xley nak duga kan..
ana mnx dijauhkan la bnde2 cani dr ana..
tape la kalo nak brubah skang..
jgn brubah bile sume da ciap..
malu family..
mane nak letak muka..
ana tol2 xphm..
kalo la ana kat tmpat kakak ana..
xtaw ape ana nak pkr & buat..
hmm ana blaja 1 perkare kat cni..